Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I know it has been almost a year since I have posted anything at all. But I have good excuses which I will not bore you with. But I really wanted to share some pictures of our time down in Spanish Fork for Marks internship. We stayed with my brother Glenn, which helped to make it all possible for us. Upon moving in Mark had a few Mr. Fix it jobs to take care of, and I love this picture because Gavin was trying really hard to get Mark to play with him.


Kalli said...

I love all the pictures! You have two of the cutest boys I have ever seen-and they love each other so much!

Elena said...

Fun to see those pictures. Your boys are so big! And so cute! Glad you guys had a fun time in Utah.

Happy Birthday Berkeley

Happy Birthday Berkeley
on our way to the pool

Berkeley's Birthday

Berkeley's Birthday
Ethan & Berkeley in the pool


So darn cute!!!

Our little B-Man

Our little B-Man