Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thursday Oct. 23 Berkeley had his tonsills and adenoids removed. The Dr. Said they were blocking 80% of his airway. We are hoping that this will help him sleep better.

Poor little B-Man, but thank heavens for Sponge Bob, which kept him entertained in the recovery room.

Monday October 13th we went to the hay Maze for FHE. It took a lot longer to make it to the end than we thought, but fun all the same.

Berkeley thought it was great fun to try and squeeze through any cracks in the hay and lose us. He did get through once and we lost him for atleast a couple minutes.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Decorating Halloween Cookies

Today we decided to decorate Halloween Cookies. I made one first to show him and just let him loose with the frosting. Berkeley thought it was so fun, one knife full of frosting for his cookie, and one for his mouth. I could see it in his eyes,..... " Mom why don't we do this every day?"

He thought that the decorator should write like a pencil, he was a little frustrated, but it was cute.

It took me a minute to realize that he was just licking off the frosting.... when he was done he said, " MO PEEZ"

He was so proud of the finished product. Ofcoarse he had a little help from mom. When we were done, we took them to our neighbors.

Our little Gavin is sitting. You might think that it looks more like falling, but he stayed that way for quite some time.

This is a morning ritual with Berkeley and Mark. Berkeley has to do the buckle to Marks book bag before he can say goodbye for the day.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Earning his Keep

Keeping up with Berkeley recently has been, ummm keeping me on my toes. I am giving him little "chores" to do to keep him out of trouble. Who knew he would think it was so much fun. I think it was the rather large Yellow Glove.

Making Wheat Rolls

Berkeley has been so much fun to have help in the kitchen. He really added all the ingrediants besides the egg, and only made a semi large mess of the flour.He is growing up so fast.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Believe it or not this is one of Berkeley's favorite things to do.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another photo shoot ! Gavin Layne Miller what a cutie !!!!
The Gavinator

He was so cute, he looked like a little buddah

Friday, September 12, 2008

This is our cute little family. Last Sunday we went to the gardens up on campus and our friend Brendi took some great pictures of us. We hope you enjoy them.

The Gardens were like a huge playground that Berkeley had to see every inch of, it was deffinantly hard to keep him still for a picture unless we were holding him

Happy Birthday Berkeley From Grandma and Grandpa Miller

Happy Birthday Berkeley

Happy Birthday Berkeley
on our way to the pool

Berkeley's Birthday

Berkeley's Birthday
Ethan & Berkeley in the pool


So darn cute!!!

Our little B-Man

Our little B-Man