Sunday, August 8, 2010

Yummy Blueberry pancakes!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It is so fun having 3 little boys! They are always rough housing, and just being goofy. Soon after this picture Berkeley learned how to give a wet willy, and Mark wasn't so happy he taught him.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

So I took Berkeley and Gavin out Saturday, to try and apply any thing I have learned from my photography class. I found a cute little fence on the side of the road and pulled over for our first photo shoot. I think it went relatively well.
K I obviously need to learn technique on helping my kids to smile.
Me- "Berkeley, do you like swimming?
Berk-" ( no comment)
Me-" Hey do you like candy?"
Berk-" Shrug"
It was so hard to get a real smile. This was towards the end, I think his cheeks hurt from all the fake smiling, so it's not to big.

This is the classic Gavin face, so i had to include this picture.

Gavin was hilarious at our photoshoot, after 5 mintues he kept saying, "all done mom" Yeah since I am a beginner, it takes me a lot more than 5 minutes to get some good pictures.

As much as I danced and made faces 90% of the time I could not get him to look at the camera.

This is Everett and Mark, I saw a Kiddie Kandid like this and tried to re-create it.

Everett is 3 months old now and always smiling!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our boys! Berkeley , Gavin and Everett!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Friday Morning April 30th 2010 Gavin turned 2! Happy Birthday Gavin! We tried to make the day special by getting Buz lightyear fruit snacks throughout the day, having zoom sing plenty of birthday songs and then Mark came home early to play with his boys!

Blue Berry waffles is the best breakfast for birthdays! Gavin thought lots of whipped cream made it extra special!
His giggle says it all!
How fun! Buz, and Woody on his cake. His smile was precious!

Wow, we made his birthday last 3 days long, on sunday we went to G & G Millers to celebrate Gavins birthday with them. And he got a whole bag full of Buz Lightyear toys. He was one happy boy!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Everett Lee Miller was born Thursday March 25. He is a miracle to us, and we are so thankful that he made it to us safely. At 36 weeks of pregnancy, I started measuring one week behind every week. Which is unusual for my babies because they have been big, measuring two weeks ahead with both Gavin and Berkeley. Born at 6:31 p.m. we learned why he measured so small, there was a knot in the umbilical cord, which only got tighter as he grew. The next picture is graphic, so don't scroll down if you don't want to see the knot. But to us it represents answered prayers, and a miracle for our family.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I know it has been almost a year since I have posted anything at all. But I have good excuses which I will not bore you with. But I really wanted to share some pictures of our time down in Spanish Fork for Marks internship. We stayed with my brother Glenn, which helped to make it all possible for us. Upon moving in Mark had a few Mr. Fix it jobs to take care of, and I love this picture because Gavin was trying really hard to get Mark to play with him.

Time at uncle Glenn's house was fun, but the boys most enjoyed seeing the tree every morning that they decorated.

Time in Utah would not be complete without a visit to temple square. We were able to go as a family one Sunday and hear Dad sing in the choir. It was really special.

Going to see Dad sing in the Choir was one of the highlights of our time in Utah. Wow to see all the work that goes into just one Sunday morning , "Sounds of Sunday" Thanks MOTAB!

Yay for Halloween, Berkeley was so amazed that he was "allowed" to ring door bells and ask for candy. I was worried that he might try this trick on any given day. Gavin on the other hand thought it was torture to walk around in his cute little frog costume.

Boys wouldn't be boys without trying this stunt! What's the fun of wearing underwear unless you can wear it on your head, right?!


Another benefit to having Marks internship in Provo, was all the fun times we spent with Grandma and Grandpa Miller. Berkeley really loved making the gingerbread house.

Salt lake City zoo was totally fun the boys loved it. We had to take advantage of every weekend we could spend with Mark, cuz soon we would return to weekends packed with homework and no time for play.
While in Spanish Fork Berkeley started Pre-school. This is his first day waiting on Uncle Glenn's porch for the bus with Gavin.

Berkeley pondering the meaning of pre-school. I was so worried to send him on the bus, but when it pulled up with our hesitation he jumped on and said "bye mom". When he came home I could see the stress in his face, he was thrilled to see me. As he got off the bus he said, " Mom you found me!"

Happy Birthday Berkeley

Happy Birthday Berkeley
on our way to the pool

Berkeley's Birthday

Berkeley's Birthday
Ethan & Berkeley in the pool


So darn cute!!!

Our little B-Man

Our little B-Man