Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Believe it or not this is one of Berkeley's favorite things to do.


M. Leigh Marrott said...

In a year or two you'll have an expert on your hands. I don't know why, but my kids love to vacuum too. It's so fun to see your family on here!

michelle said...

So basically your future daughter-in-law is going to love you. Wish someone had taught my husband how to do that ;)!

Kalli said...

Cute!! Mackay loves to wash things with a rag. She also loves to do dishes. I love it because it makes me look like I am a very clean person. You have such a clean house!

Happy Birthday Berkeley

Happy Birthday Berkeley
on our way to the pool

Berkeley's Birthday

Berkeley's Birthday
Ethan & Berkeley in the pool


So darn cute!!!

Our little B-Man

Our little B-Man