Sunday, August 8, 2010

Yummy Blueberry pancakes!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It is so fun having 3 little boys! They are always rough housing, and just being goofy. Soon after this picture Berkeley learned how to give a wet willy, and Mark wasn't so happy he taught him.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

So I took Berkeley and Gavin out Saturday, to try and apply any thing I have learned from my photography class. I found a cute little fence on the side of the road and pulled over for our first photo shoot. I think it went relatively well.
K I obviously need to learn technique on helping my kids to smile.
Me- "Berkeley, do you like swimming?
Berk-" ( no comment)
Me-" Hey do you like candy?"
Berk-" Shrug"
It was so hard to get a real smile. This was towards the end, I think his cheeks hurt from all the fake smiling, so it's not to big.

This is the classic Gavin face, so i had to include this picture.

Gavin was hilarious at our photoshoot, after 5 mintues he kept saying, "all done mom" Yeah since I am a beginner, it takes me a lot more than 5 minutes to get some good pictures.

Happy Birthday Berkeley

Happy Birthday Berkeley
on our way to the pool

Berkeley's Birthday

Berkeley's Birthday
Ethan & Berkeley in the pool


So darn cute!!!

Our little B-Man

Our little B-Man